Ed's Coffee Library

and Other Thoughts and Findings

Hi everyone I've decided to start writing this coffee blog again. We're currently going around the United States promoting Kona Coffee. We're going from coffee shop to coffee shop, handing out samples of our kona coffee for people to try. Surprisingly, very few people actually know about Kona Coffee, which is a shame since Kona Coffee is not only some of the best coffee in the world, it is one of the only coffees grown in the United States. So how come people don't know very much about Kona Coffee?

Until recently the vast majority of the Kona Coffee was sold to tourists and coffee afficionados. However, now that more serious coffee growers have entered the market in Kona, while the more established growers have also expanded their plantings, a new generation of coffee is becoming available to serious coffee drinker in the US.

What makes Kona Coffee different? A lot of people ask why is Kona Coffee unique and so expensive?

1) We're the only coffee that has an active steaming volcano adding micronutrients from the mantle of the earth on a daily

consistent basis in small amounts which do not damage the coffee. This above all other reasons makes the coffee hear consistently incomparable to other coffees.

2) All our coffee is handpicked, and we pay american wages, which work out to between 12-25 dollars an hour. The coffee you buy from any other region in the world will be paying thier labor 10 cents to 5 dollars an hour max. If they are lucky.

3)Because we pay everyne 1-2 dollars a pound for picked coffee, they are working much harder and happier than someone who is paid 1-2 dollars per 100 pounds of coffee. Therefore they coffee they pick will be perfect ripe coffee. You can pay someone to pick 100 bananas per 1 dollar, and they'd just go through and pick all the underripe bananas to make more money. that's the same thing with coffee.

4)We are not plantation coffee. Our coffee sits on the side of mountains, so plantation style farming, which depletes the soil quickly is impossible in Kona.

Because of the climate, volcano, labor situation, and typography of the region, Kona Coffee is naturally number 1, and there is nothing any other coffee regions can do to challenge that other than with a lot of PR and gimmicks which may backfire, like the civets thing -- since civets, like mink, are now known carriers of covid-19.

By Ed Chen on 2015 29 August

How To Store Your Green Coffee Beans

I just read some articles that compared three kinds of storage of green beans, storage in hermetically sealed bags, storage in sealed bags injected with CO2, and your standard jute bags. It turns out to keep your green beans fresh, you should keep them in hermetically sealed bags, with a small injection of CO2. Otherwise after a year, your coffee will probably go bad.

Other Thoughts

Why Is Kona Coffee So Expensive??

28 August 2015

Kona Coffee is typically farmed meticulously by small family farmers on plots less than..

Let's Talk About Tropical Soil Sustainability

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